Bible on the Road – Leaving It Behind

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Read and meditate today on John 4.

John tells us today of two impactful events. The woman at the well and healing of the official’s son.

Meditating on these two events, I find the words of the woman popping out over and over. “Then the woman left her water jar and went back to the city. She said to the people, “Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! He cannot be the Messiah, can he?”” John 4:28-29

The woman came out in the heat, carrying her jars to fill with water. A long, lonely and hot walk for water. Jesus came to this same well just to meet her. This is the first time, outside His Disciples, that He shared Who He truly is – the Christ. She came thirsty and ran away, leaving behind all she carried before meeting Jesus.

I started this post with a completely different thought in mind to share. But, as I wrote, God shared a hidden gem with me.

We all come to Jesus. Every one of us have approached Him in our varied needs. maybe you were like me, I came thirsty and with a lot of baggage. I was looking for Jesus but not for what I found. When I came to my well, I too found Jesus sitting there, waiting for me. He spoke words of love and refreshment to my soul. Like the woman, I dropped my ‘jars’ of guilt and shame at His feet and ran to tell everyone I knew of my encounter and how Jesus changed my life.

That ‘well’ moment for me, changed who I am to the very depths of my core. I came to the well as one man, but went away as a whole different man. I’ve never stopped telling everyone I meet about the man I met that day.

How did you meet the Savior of the world? What did He say to you in your encounter? How has that moment changed or is still changing your life? What have you done with it?