Today we meditate upon the 10th chapter of John’s writings with the beautiful story of the man born blind. Read the chapter and focus on what stands out to you – word or phrase. What is God saying to you in these events?
“I was one way, and now I am completely different, and the thing that happened in between was Him.” – The Chosen.
John captures the events of the healing of the man born blind. Jesus heals this man and all the people and Pharisees are the ones lost in blindness. They question the healing, again call into doubt Jesus’ power and authority. And, in it all, the once blind man argues back and even gets testy with the leaders.
But, what strikes me are his responses. To the Pharisees, he says, “ thing I know, though, is I was blind and now I see” John 9:25. Then, to Jesus, “Lord, I believe.”
This man was given a great gift by God, not his physical sight but, spiritual clarity. He saw Jesus and knew He is the Messiah.
We are given the same offer by Jesus. We are given the offer of the gift of true sight. Vision to see the Light, to know Jesus before us.
The question is simple – do we choose to remain blind like the Pharisees and deny Jesus’ Lordship over all our life? Or, do we stand up and declare, “my Lord, I believe.” We are all changed forever by encountering Jesus.
“I was one way, and now I am completely different, and the thing that happened in between was Him.”