Bible on the Road – Grace Abounds

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“Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” Romans 5:20

“Maybe God has picked us for this particular time to just encourage [like-minded people] that, ‘Hey, there are things worth standing up for, and we’re going to do that”

Something Father Michael Gaitley said in a presentation at Franciscan University struck me and has always stayed with me. He said, “the saints have a holy envy of us. There has never been a time where it was easier to be a saint” then the times we currently live. There has never been an age or even a day when all was perfect with the world and there was no need for Heaven’s intervention.

One might wonder, when could be worse than a day when man crucified his Creator? Look in the news today, look at the culture and society around us. Pornography and unmarried sex is rampant, society is wildly redefining men and women, violence on tv and in video games is getting more violent still, hedonism is the new lifestyle. The list can go on and on for sure. The worst of which and really the overarching ‘event’ that is the crux of this downfall of society is the turning away from God.

So, yes, that day 2,000 years ago, when man killed His God on the cross is a horrific day, but, we continue to crucify Jesus every day. Our society turns their back on God, crying out ‘crucify Him! Crucify Him!’ That is, if they even care to raise their voice.

All is so bleak!

“But law came in, with the result that the trespass multiplied; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more”

Our times seem to highlight the first part of this text but God in His Divine Mercy and Grace, completes the statement – “but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” So, why then do I reference Father Gaitley’s statement at Franciscan? The truth of this statement is apparent to our saints currently waking the earth. It is God’s call to each and every one of us to stand for His word and truth. It is our mission to speak of and share mercy to the most sinful. It is our duty to take the hatred and violence directed at us as Catholics by the liberal culture and turn the other cheek. More than just taking this hatred and waking away, we are called to give our cloak to those directing the hatred at us.

“But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile.” Matthew 5:39-41

In short, the Saints have a holy envy of us now, because all we must do to become saints is love our lives as authentic Catholics. Be who God calls you to be and what God says you are, and live it. Even, if ‘they’ try to crucify you, continue to be what you are – a God fearing Catholic. A saint abounding in grace.