Bible on the Road – Gone Fishing

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“Follow me! I will make you fishers of men”

As I write this it is raining. The sky is overcast and the air has a chill. Not a very good day to go out on the lake to fish. I love fishing. The challenge and peacefulness. Even if I don’t catch a fish, the excitement of the next cast or what this lure might do is a thrill. But, unlike Simon, I am not fishing to feed my family or earn a living. Imagine, rain or shine being on the lake trying to earn enough just to feed you wife. Then, look at Simon’s night in Luke 5. He had spent the night fishing with his company and the Zebedees, catching nothing.

Then, cleaning their nets to go home, Jesus steps into his life. Nothing will ever be the same after Jesus tells Simon to “put out into deep water and cast your nets.”

Imagine this professional fisherman’s reaction. “Put out?!? Really? We been out all night and caught nothing, I just want to go home. But, there’s something about you, so ok…”

How many times in our life do we roll our eyes at God and think we know better? We’re the expert on what’s going on, not God.

Doing the Will of God is not often easy and many times may not make sense, but, those are the times trust is built most.

It made no sense to me that God was ask me to put out into dee waters and write “I knew His voice.” I wasn’t an author, never did anything like this and had no clue how to publish a book. Not to mention while writing it, the miracles of Jesus’ visits to my daughter seemed the biggest part of the story but only took 60 pages to tell the story. I honestly said the same thing as Simon, “Really, Lord?!? You don’t know what you’re talking about, this makes no sense. But, if You say so, I’ll do it.” As I wrote, God placed on my heart that this was my story not my daughter’s and while His miraculous visits to her were tremendous, it was my journey He wanted told. So I did.

Then, I was nearly done and not motivated because I had no idea what to do to publish this book. God put my great friends Stephen and Debbie in the right place at the right time. For some reason late one night, we told them the story. Stephen’s reaction was, “you need to write this down and publish it.” I told him I was but didn’t know how to publish. He knew an editor who could help.

So, God took the least likely person, in an impossible circumstance with mountain sized obstacles and showed His power. All because I ‘put out into deep water.’

When God asks you to put out into deep water and do what seems impossible, answer as Simon and I have – “Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.” Luke 5:5

Find “I knew His Voice” through the links below:

Click here to go to Amazon to order “I knew His Voice”

Click here to go to Barnes and Noble to order “I knew His Voice”