Bible on the Road – Duc In Altum

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“When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea, got into a boat, and started across the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them.  The sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing.  When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terrified. But he said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.”  Then they wanted to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the land toward which they were going.” John 6:16-21

Duc In Altum – Put Out Into the Deep – yes, I know these words go with a different Bible verse and story (Luke 5:4-11). In Luke, Matthew and Mark, we see the call of the disciples, but, as I ponder John 6:16-21 this morning, I hear Jesus’ call.

We all face storms, we all face moments in which we may flounder and sink. Jesus comes through and in the storm itself to call us to trust.

I love this story from John and thank him for capturing this moment. And, I love how ‘The Chosen’ depicted it.

At some time, we all stand in Simon’s sandals. The #%*% is hitting the fan, it is unbearable, and God doesn’t seem to care. Of course God cares and is using these moments to strengthen us. But, we lose sight of Him and see only the storm raging. When Jesus comes through the terrifying darkness of the storm, do we turn to Him? When Jesus calls us from the floundering boat, “Duc In Altum” – do we have faith enough to put ourselves out into the deep? Even more so, do we have trust?

When I struggled those months through my daughter’s suffering, faith wasn’t my issue. I had faith, what I lacked is trust. And, that night in the ICU, when the storm crashed full force upon me, Jesus called, “Duc In Altum”. I made the same mistake and took my eyes from Jesus’. And, that night, I sank beneath the waves, But, with His hand stretched to me, Jesus pulled me from the depths. And, finally I saw how must I must trust Jesus and how much I do, in fact, trust Him.

Do you trust Jesus to step out, put out yourself out into the deep in the storm, when He calls?

When you feel yourself sinking, trust that Jesus will never let you go


  1. Ed, thank you for sending this. I have watched the first three seasons of the Chosen. This scene always hits so close to home. I am moved to tears every time. I know the Lord will never let me go. Blessings.
    Gale Jackson

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