Bible on the Road – A New Language

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“I would have like to hide and rest for a while in solitude, in a word, to be alone. At such moments, no creature is capable of giving me comfort, and even if I had wanted to say something about myself, I would have experienced new anguish. Therefore, I have kept silent at such moments and submitted myself, in silence, to the will of God-and that has given me relief. I demand nothing from creatures and communicate with them only in so far as is necessary. I will not take them into my confidence unless this is for the greater glory of God. My communing is with the angels [cf. Mt. 18:10; Ex. 23:20].” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1200

“Be still and know that I AM God” Psalm 46:10

“But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases” Matthew 6:6-7

God doesn’t need us to tell Him all our needs and desires when we come to Him in prayer. Not only does He already know our greatest needs and struggles, but, He has already got a plan of victory in place. We just need to stay out of His way.

“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.” Exodus 14:14

Exodus 14:14 and Psalm 46-10 are two of my top favorite go-to Bible verses. They apply in so many of life’s moments and struggles. I know that so often I stress when the darkness approaches or the battle nears, but, in these verses, God is telling us that we have no need to stress or fight. We have no need to tell Him our worries or what He should do to fix things. Well, at least that’s what I’ve always tended to do. I act like I know the best strategy and outcome for a fight I don’t even totally understand.

I have and am learning to simply be quiet and trust in God. It is in “such moments, no creature is capable of giving me comfort, and even if I had wanted to say something about myself, I would have experienced new anguish. Therefore, I have kept silent at such moments and submitted myself, in silence, to the will of God-and that has given me relief. I demand nothing” of God.

He knows what is going on and why. I don’t. He knows how to move through the minefields and pitfalls of the days. I don’t. He knows when facing the battle IS the best course for my soul. I don’t. He knows the end game of every situation. I don’t. He trusts I will endure and become stronger when even I don’t. So, I will continue to face the challenges in trust. The stand in silent trust of God. Because, He’s got this.

In this trust, I learn a new language, silence and trust.