Bible of the Road: Jesus Calls The Tax Collector

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“As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him.” Matthew 9:9

I love this scene from the Bible. Jesus’ call of Matthew the tax collector is so wonderful. Jesus calls so many to His side, but the beauty of this story in the Gospel of Matthew is that Jesus called a man whom so many looked at as the worst of the worst. A tax collector sold out his own people to the enemy. He collects taxes due Rome and then, extorts the people for his own cut. I’m the eyes of Israel, a tax collector made a wretched sinner look saintly. Not many were below a tax collector.

Yet, Jesus calls a tax collector named Matthew out of his booth. He didn’t go to his home or catch him passing on the street, Jesus called Matthew from the place of sin. Out of his prison stronghold.

The scene is so beautifully depicted in The Chosen. The look in the eyes of Matthew capture it all. Those eyes say, “who me? Do you know who I am? What I’ve done? Me?” Jesus doesn’t hesitate in answering all Matthew’s doubts. “Follow me.”

I can imagine the tears on Matthew’s face as he remembers this day when writing the Gospel years later. At that time, he knows who Jesus is, he is totally sold out for Jesus. He knows He is the Messiah and has risen. And, the tears soak his cheeks, he can barely see the page as he blubbers. “Yes, Jesus called me. Me!”

If Jesus can call and make great use of sinners like Matthew and myself, be ready. He will call you. if Jesus has already called you to follow Him, take some time today to remember that moment.