“My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand. What my Father has given me is greater than all else, and no one can snatch it out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.” John 10:27-30
This past Sunday was Good Shepherd Sunday. The Gospel reading of the week is one of my favorite Bible verses of all time.
“My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish.” John 10:27-28
Of all the Bible verses I’ve memorize this is most special. In a time of dire need, God gave me this message of hope.
My daughter was in the ER, suffering in tremendous pain when Jesus came to her side. He didn’t come as a thought but in real flesh. He hid Himself from my view, showing Himself only to her. He spoke to her but didn’t reveal His face nor His Name to her. Two days later when she recounted what had occurred, telling me she never saw His face nor revealed His Name, I asked how she knew it was Jesus then?
Her response, “I knew His voice“, still rings in my ears as if she is speaking them now.
John 10:27-28 was not one of the verses I had memorized. I had read it sometime in the past though. And, God must have planted the seed of this verse in my heart for later harvest. This moment. Instantly this verse was alive for me like none other. I knew that no matter what would come of her illness, she was safe and protected. She knew the voice of the Shepherd. She knew His Voice.
Later when considering writing my book, I asked God, “if it is Your Will that I do this, you have to make it crystal clear. Leave no doubt for me, Lord.” Instantly, the words “I knew His Voice” came to mind. The words of John 10:27. I knew this was the title of what I would someday publish.
After all these years since these events and publishing my book, I realized this morning something wondrous. God spoke to me several times within my heart and audibly – I heard His voice. I am His. Jesus came searching for me after all the years of my life through which I was lost. Jesus called out to me in those months following my fall, calling my name. I am His! Jesus the Good Shepherd, MY Good Shepherd, called out with a loving voice when I was lost in that dark night, lost of my own will. He called my name, leaving the 99, leaving the billions. “My son, come to Me. Trust in Me. Follow My Voice.” I sit here as the sun rises this morning with tears of joy on my face and praise on my lips.
Listen with your heart to hear His Voice. He is speaking to your soul everyday. He calls to Your heart and soul if not your ears. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, calls to His sheep – YOU! Rest in this absolute peace and safety. Your Good Shepherd will fight off all those who try to attack you. Your Good Shepherd will (and has) come searching for you when you were and are lost.
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