“When he entered the house, the blind men came to him; and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you.” And their eyes were opened.” Matthew 9:28-30
Does your belief in God’s power, and your faith and trust align? Coming to God in prayerful need, begging His aid means a lot but what can be done without faith? Look at Jesus’ ministry, we see in His hometown He did few miracles because they didn’t believe in Who He is.
Here comes these two blind men, asking Jesus to heal their sight. Jesus doesn’t just flick a wrist and make them see. He asks, “do you believe I can do this?” He relies upon their belief and acclamation of faith. Their response is one of Faith, “Yes, Lord!” But, still Jesus doesn’t ‘guarantee’ healing, look at His response, “According to your faith let it be done to you.” Their faith was strong and they were healed.
Now, flashback to Matthew 9:1-8. The friends’ faith is strong, enough that to get to their paralyzed friend to Jesus, they tear a hole in the roof. And, seeing this faith, Jesus immediately heals the man’s legs. Not! “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven”” (Matthew 9:2). What was the man’s reaction? He came to have his paralysis healed, to walk out of this room into which he had to be carried. But, instead Jesus forgives his sins. I like to think the man’s faith was so strong that he cried joyful tears at these words. Of course, we see Jesus rebukes the Pharisees then turns and heals the man’s physical ailment.
How do you come before Jesus in needful prayer? Does your faith and trust align perfectly? With the faith to move mountains, do you trust God?
I had the faith that God could and would heal my daughter. But, I lacked trust in His timing and plan. When I brought her to God begging healing, He asked if I had faith. Faith was strong and not an issue. Then, Jesus waited. My trust lacked in His plan. If He had chosen that moment to heal her, my faith was enough. But, His answer was ‘not now.’ And in my lack of trust, my faith collapsed. God and St. Faustina taught me trust and faith. But that is a different story (see my book, “I Knew His Voice” on Amazon).
Faith may bring you to Jesus, but trust keeps you at His side when answers vary from your desire and plan. Trust is the seed of faith, but you must enable it fully by stirring faith and trust together. Mixed, these combine to heroic virtues.