Being With God

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“General Resolution: interior calm, silence.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 790

“She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feetlistening to what he said.” Luke 10:39

A few years ago, I had a brother Catholic ask me at our men’s fellowship meeting what one does alone with their wife after all the kids move out. ‘What do they talk about and do all day and night without the kids? At that time, the youngest of our kids had been away at college for a couple years. For me, just being together with my wife is enough. He asked, “what do you do all night or talk about?” I responded that sometimes we don’t talk, we are comfortable just being together. Good thing as it’s just us in the truck or small RV haha.

It’s the same with God. Sitting in the evening with Bible on my lap, or in the darkened church in Adoration, it is often just nice to take Mary’s queue, just sit and listen. Or, many times, even better, just sit together in loving silence, A soul must be able to be comfortable just sitting, listening to God or just in silence at His knee. In the comfort of silence is where companionship is really found.

“Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

“Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.” Ephesians 6:18

“Pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

But, then, there are times one must be able to carry on a conversation as well. The soul must be able to approach God and ask Him for anything. The soul must not be afraid to speak with God whatever is on our heart.

Holding back what you need to say to your wife can cause damage to the relationship. She needs to hear your voice, hear of your worries and dreams. Plus, you need to be able to share these things with your spouse. The spouse’s primary ‘job’ is to help their spouse obtain Heaven. One can’t do that without communication. Not to mention, how can one know another without communicating?

This is the same with God. His sole mission is to get you to Heaven. He already knows all your fears, worries and dreams. He knows when you’re stressed by work. That doesn’t prevent God from wanting to hear you voice these things. The Father loves to hear our voice. Also, something my dad taught me of God, the Father knows we need to express these things to work through them. He will give guidance to your heart. He will help you as you talk to Him. Sometimes, it may be a Bible verse or your conscience that leads you to your answer.

Silence and communication shared with God is important to strengthening your relationship.

Not to mention, these times in silence or talking are key for knowing God as well as for God to know you. Last thing the soul wants is when it’s just he and God, to being looking at a stranger – especially if that stranger is you.