Beatitudes – Who Are You?

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“Then he began to speak, and taught them, saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you” Matthew 5:2-12

Reading and reflecting upon the Beatitudes this morning, I think of the scene from The Chosen. Jesus draw me into thinking of where I fall along this compass He lays out. This is one of the great teachings of Jesus’ ministry. //Spoiler Alert//. The Beatitudes depicted in the final episode of season two shows Jesus sharing with Matthew His plan for what He will say in His upcoming teaching. It shows Jesus going through each of the Beatitudes with a backdrop scene depicting some event of the disciples’ lives from previously episodes.

This brings me to the conversation Jesus draw me into this morning. As I slowly read through the individual lines, I reflect upon where I may fall.

I wonder if along my life and through this Road of Faith so far, if I haven’t been each of these ‘people.’

I spent many years of my life ‘poor in spirit.’ So long I was spiritually destitute and even bankrupt. Praise Jesus, He came to me in that dark pit of my soul to search me out and draw me to to the light. He came to give entrance for me to His Kingdom.

I have been broken hearted and mourned great losses. My dad’s death was a deep wound. THAT is the moment God stepped into my life to provide comfort. In my greatest darkness and mourning, He came to comfort me. Despite the chasm I placed between us by my choices, Jesus came to comfort me. I mourn the potential loss of souls most dear to me…God gives His comfort in telling to me trust His love even over my own for these people.

When I came to know my faith and Jesus those two decades ago, I was a shy, introvert with no confidence of who I was to God. I had nothing to offer and nothing He would want. I was the lowest of all His children. He changed that all. Took away all the meekness within my mind, heart and soul. Set me free to tell everyone about my experiences meeting God.

I have begged God to make me a righteous man. A man who could be the light He spoke of to others. I hungered deeply for this ‘role’ as I understood the implications of the prayer. He has changed my life from the introvert to an apostle, willing to stand before anyone, anytime to tell of His Righteousness.

In Poland, when God asked me to be His Apostle of Mercy, I knew to do this mission I would have to forgive and give mercy to those who least deserved it. Big ask! Praise Jesus that He shows His Divine Mercy to me every day as an example of how to give mercy to others.

Pure in heart? Yea, the intention and desire is embedded deep within my soul. Am I pure in heart? In a sense, no. I am a sinner. But, I beg God’s mercy whenever I fall. I trust His mercy wipes away my stains and through His boundless grace, I am made clean. The intention of my heart is to remain pure despite falling to temptation.

I desire peace within the souls of others. I know that peace comes only from knowing Jesus Christ. I desire to be this peacemaker by sharing His love and message.

Standing for righteousness, for that of which is true takes courage. In order to stand up for righteousness and point to the splinter in another’s eye, I strive to be righteous and true before my God.

Revilement and persecution is a hard pill to swallow when it’s strangers unjustly attacking one’s faith and position. It is immensely more so when it is those closest who are persecuting and despising your faith and stances contrary to the world. When it’s your friends and children or spouse…

Reflect on the Beatitudes today (and every day). See how you fit within the people Jesus is speaking of. Strive to be in each line of His words. Strive to be right there – all the time.