Ask Big

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I rejoice that [souls] ask for much, because it is My desire to give much, very much. On the other hand, I am sad when souls ask for little, when they narrow their heartsDivine Mercy in My Soul # 1578

When you turn to God do you go big?

I once recently talked to a man about Purgatory, Hell and Heaven. He is a Catholic and wasn’t arguing either but wasn’t clear on goals. He told me he was trying to live good enough and often asked God to keep him safe from the fires of Hell, ‘just get me into Purgatory.”

He became disturbed when I asked him why he was praying for Purgatory. ‘At least if I can make it there, I know my goal is in sight.’ I replied, “why not pray to go straight to Heaven, collect your eternal reward immediately?” His has dropped and he responded, “I’m not good enough to go straight to Heaven.”

“Nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh.” Romans 7:18

This is the problem with nearly all man. We don’t measure up to God or His Kingdom, so we have to work harder here to earn a spot. And, even then, we aren’t good enough to be near to God. Well, that is true. Nothing we do, no action will make us good enough to be near to God. He is ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ – Thrice Holy with capital H’s. The best we could hope for is a slice of holiness.

This is where Jesus’ words to St. Faustina in diary 1578 come into this discussion. Maybe it is totally true that we can’t ever be worthy of Heaven. We are wretched sinners by even the loosest definition when compared to God’s Holiness. Jesus said though that when a soul asks for less, He is saddened.

On our own we can do nothing (John 15:5). Jesus isn’t saying to do this on our own. He is telling us to ask Him.

So, it all comes down to faith and trust. Will we listen to the evil one tell us how much we suck? How we aren’t worthy to enter Heaven? Or l, will we ask to everything and trust Jesus to provide? Ask to avoid Hell and get Purgatory may sound ok. But, why not ask for Heaven? Why not trust that God can make that happen? And, while you’re going big on your request and trust, why not ask Jesus to make you a huge saint?

“ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this..” John 15:7-8

Why strive for little when Jesus says to ask for much…asking a lot brings Jesus joy and glorified the Father. In your trust you bring great joy to God.

Lord Jesus, I want to please You and have You rejoice as I ask, seek, and knock for more and more of Your mercy not only for myself but for those who “narrow their hearts” and ask for so little. Expand all of our hearts, so we can trust more and receive more. Give me all Your Glory, give me Heaven, Lord. Give me courage to never stop asking big.

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