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What you see in reality, these souls see through faith. Oh, how pleasing to Me is their great faith! …But for Me to be able to act upon a soul, the soul must have faith. O how pleasing to Me is living faith!” Divine Mercy in my soul # 1420

Everyone sees the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost exhibited in St. Peter and the other as they walked from the doors and proclaimed the great glory of God in Jesus through tongues, interpretation of tongues, knowledge, wisdom, healing, miracles and prophecy.  Acts 1-4 are full of the power of the Holy Spirit.  One day Peter was too afraid to leave his locked hideaway and the next, he was preaching to crowds and boldly proclaiming the Name of Jesus before the Sanhedrin, some of the very men he had been afraid of earlier.

But, one powerful gift often overlooked is faith.  The disciples went into the upper room after the crucifixion terrified and broken.  The men who walked out through the Pentecost were on fire with faith.  The Gift of Faith made such a difference that most of these men died a martyr’s death.  From hiding in fear to fearless.

I would argue that it was this Gift of Faith that brought so many to the Church in those first days and months.  It was this Gift that changed the world.  

Faith changed everything.  “..(God) has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.  So we are always confident…for we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:5,6,7

““Sleeper, awake!  Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”  Ephesians 5:14

The Spirit calls us to new sight and new life in Him.  Like Jesus raising Lazarus, the Holy Spirit calls us to arise from our slumber and walk out of our ‘locked rooms’ boldly and bravely.  He will imbue our hearts and minds with this Gift of Faith that we may know as truly as any visible fact that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.  Open your heart to this great gift and step out of the boat to change the world through the mission God has in place for you since the beginning. 

Call upon the Holy Spirit to grant you the gift of faith.  Call upon Him to grant this gift as a heroic, supernatural power, a power strong enough to set your soul ablaze and ignite all who come in contact with you.  THIS is the fire of faith of  those who met and walked with Jesus and who met the Holy Spirit 2,000 year ago.  The soul can still walk with Jesus today and can meet the Holy Spirit in the same manner.

“I have noticed that the Lord grants this grace to souls for two purposes. The first is when the soul is to do some great work which is, humanly speaking, absolutely beyond its power. In the second case, I have noticed that the Lord grants it in order that kindred souls might be guided and set at peace, although the Lord can grant this grace as He pleases and to whomever He pleases.”  Divine Mercy in my soul #769

For the glory of God!  Let it rain!  Let it reign!