The Bible on the Road – Are You a Prophet?

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The definition of prophet is a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.

We all should be prophets.

I share the word through my blog ( and with everyone I meet. I work through a prophetic gift of sharing the word and scripture in a manner that helps people ‘get it’ or see how God is in their life.
There are many who have a larger Gift of Prophecy that I’ve met, none of these true ‘prophets’ say anything except the truth of God and calling people to see Him and repent.
No prophet I know claims things outside of God’s Word and what He’s already given us.
Anyone who claims prophets don’t exist, claim God has stopped caring about His people and stopped trying to get people to turn back to Him.

I will continue to use my prophetic gifts for the glory of God. I claim nothing on my own. If I am gifted to decipher something from the Bible that helps someone see God and decide to turn toward Him, it is all because of and from God. God put the person there, He gave me the Word as seed to share and gave me the words to say at the right time in a way that person gets.

I give all glory to my Father in Heaven!!!

How do you glorify God in your office of prophet? As a messenger of His Word, do you share the messages from God that you receive? It could be as simple as a Bible verse that fits the situation. Telling a soul how YOU have seen God acting in YOUR life. It could be lovingly pointing out a sinful path for a soul. Or it could be a full blown prophetic gift.

At every level, we are all called to be prophets. Share His message.

One comment

  1. Love today’s blog. Thank you for the reminder!

    God bless you my friend

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