None are worthy to approach the Lord not receive Him into our bodies and souls. Once when approaching to receive the Eucharistic Lord, I felt the urge to run. “I am a sinner Lord, I can’t come closer” He replied, “do you doubt my Divine Mercy? Do you limit the power of my Body and Blood? Do you not believe I can wash your soul when I enter into you? If you run and do not receive Me as I commanded, you will add many lashes to my back.”
I nearly fell to my knees at that moment. I knelt to receive the Body of Jesus on my tongue with tears running down my face.
Never doubt His Mercy and love. Approach and receive with total contrition and know His Body will ignite burning flames in the darkest reaches of you soul and His Blood will wash all stains (all) from your soul.
“As many times as I breathe, as many times as my heart beats, as many times as my blood pulsates through my body, so many thousand times do I want to glorify Your mercy” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 163
Recently in prayer, “I saw before me, churches overflowing into the streets with the faithful who were yearning to be near Jesus and receive Him in the Eucharist.”
The greatest gift we have is the Eucharist. Only the Catholic Church holds this to her heart. Only our priests can step in-persona Christi to make the simple bread and wine transubstantiate into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. No inspiring praise song, no matter how incredible, can make our heart leap more. Just the realization that Jesus was near made John leap in the womb. Through the Eucharist, we get to take Jesus’ fullness into ourselves. Imagine that! No! As Catholics, we don’t have to imagine. We just need to go to Mass. Any Mass, any where, any language…He is fully present. Jesus is there before your eyes to come into your soul in a way that no denominational Christian can understand.
Our Protestant brothers and sisters exclaim that one must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to know Him. Oh, how much they miss out? What is more personal than the Eucharist? How can anyone draw closer to God than to have His Blood pulse through your heart?
Imagine a world, if you dare, in which every person yearns to receive the true Gift of the Eucharist. Imagine churches on Tuesday fuller than a crowed Christmas Mass. But, also filled with men, women with a burning desire for the Eucharist, reverently attentive to His every word and movement. Chapels full at 1 AM because no one wants to leave nor can the soul find rest except in the Adoration Chapel.
Want a changed world? We need a Eucharistic Revival. A return to a time in which all souls craved the Eucharist. A day in the future when nothing will keep a heart separated when the Eucharist is near. There was once a day when all Christians were united in the belief and desire for the Eucharist. That day is again looming ahead, just on the horizon.
“O Blessed Host, in golden chalice enclosed for me,
That through the vast wilderness of exile
I may pass-pure, immaculate, undefiled;
Oh, grant that through the power of Your love this might come to be.
O Blessed Host, take up Your dwelling within my soul,
O Thou my heart’s purest love!
With Your brilliance the darkness dispel.
Refuse not Your grace to a humble heart.
O Blessed Host, enchantment of all heaven,
Though Your beauty be veiled
And captured in a crumb of bread,
Strong faith tears away that veil.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 159