Angel Armies

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God “[filled me with] a special conviction that the Lord is with me and that with Him I can do all things. All the powers on earth and in hell are as nothing to me.  Everything must fall before the power of His Name.  I entrust everything into Your hands, O my Lord and God. Sole Commander of my soul, direct me according to Your eternal desires. “ Divine Mercy in my soul # 858

“I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13

There should be no doubt to any one that Christ’s strength courses through their soul.  He provides means to strengthen and defend us in the on-going battles as earth as the Church Militant.

Our Guardian Angel is very active in every day and through every movement.  When we feel under pressure in certain challenges, we need to lean upon our Guardian Angel and trust that Jesus, our mutual King, will provide the strength and strategy to overcome any challenge or attack.  

I have depended upon my Guardian Angel to carry me through many dark days.  “I thank God for His goodness, that He gives us Angels as companions.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 630

We can also draw upon the Angel armies.  We should often pray the prayer of St. Michael for defense in the battle.  I would also highly recommend praying the Chaplet of St. Michael.  In this prayer, St. Michael promises the defense of all the Choirs of Angels and accompaniment of an Angel from each Choir when approaching the table of the Lord.  This Chaplet is very simple to pray.

Angels surround us every day and every where.

“For you has he commanded his angels, to keep you in all your ways.” Psalm 91:11

Our angels stand at the hand of God to receive grace that they then pour into our lives as a defense to keep us safe and strong along the paths that life leads.  We need to do our part though.  Come to know your Guardian Angel, he is your constant companion and assistance.  Thank him for his defense and intercessions, I know my Guardian Angel has been in many battles for me.  And thank God for the gift of your Guardian Angel; all good things come from God and we rightfully should praise and thank the Lord for every little thing.

Promise your Guardian Angel that you will make an effort to work alongside and with him and not against him – it will make both your lives much easier and joyful.

“Then I saw one of the seven Spirits near me, radiant as at other times, under a form of light. I constantly saw him beside me when I was riding on the train. I saw an Angel on every Church we passed, but surrounded by a light which was paler than that of the Spirit who was accompanying me on the journey, and each of these Spirits who were guarding the Churches bowed his head to the Spirit who was near me.. I thank God for His goodness, that He gives us Angels as companions.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 630

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