“Jesus complained to me of how painful to Him is the unfaithfulness of chosen souls, “and My heart is even more wounded by their distrust after a fall. It would be less painful if they had not experienced the goodness of My heart“.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1532
What is your reaction after you’ve fallen into sin? When that adult site breaks through from temptation to sin or the temper explodes out upon your spouse? When the Lord’s Name falls from your mouth as a curse not a prayer? When you just didn’t feel like getting up Sunday morning so you missed Mass?
“They heard the sound of the LordGod walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.” Genesis 3:8
Do you fall into shame and horror at what you’ve done? Does this lead you to hide from God as Adam did in the garden? Do you instantly think of going to Confession, “next time you have time”?
The best reaction to any sin, no matter how grave, is to run to God’s Divine Mercy. Don’t hesitate. Don’t delay until next Saturday’s confessions. Don’t hide behind the plant seeking to hide yourself in shame.
God knows what you’ve done and where you are hiding. He will come seeking you and call out to find you, but it takes your feet to step out of the jungle of shame and your voice to call out to God. Mostly it takes your sorrowful heart to cry out to God and ask for His Divine Mercy.
It doesn’t matter if your fall is from the highest heights to the deepest darkest depths, ask God for forgiveness immediately. I’m not saying to skip the Sacrament of Reconciliation, I’m saying don’t wait. Beg forgiveness now of God and then go to the great Sacrament of Mercy. And, then, overpower your sin and shame by running to Jesus in the Eucharist.
God’s Mercy is always available. Don’t add fear or worry or mistrust to the sin that’s already been done. Ask forgiveness and move on and move upwards.
“Most dear to Me is the soul that strongly believes in My goodness and has complete trust in Me. I heap My confidence upon it and give it all it asks”. Divine Mercy in My Soul # 453