Accepting grace

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“The moment I left the confessional, God’s presence enveloped me as before. I understood that God’s grace must be received just as God sends it, in the way He wants, and one must receive it in that form under which God sends it to us”. Divine Mercy in my soul # 715

The Holy Spirit spoke very loudly to my heart this Pentecost in both these words of St. Faustina and the prayers spoken over me.  He says to my heart that this is the supreme show of faith, trust, acceptance and patience for the soul. 

First, to receive that which God sends to the soul, it must be well formed and open to His Presence as well as willing.  It must be prayerful in listening to the guidance of the Spirit.

The soul then must recieve, that is to say, it must claim the Gifts God sends its way.  The soul must be willing to take all that God sends its way, desiring nothing more and certainly not less in some modest sense of its wretchedness.  If God, all-knowing and all-powerful as He most certainly is, deigns to grant the soul every gift, how dare the soul assume it is too wretched or sinful to receive that which the Lord gives.  The soul which tries to deny God’s Gifts based on its own sense of worthiness is a liar.  For God finds the soul worthy of that which He gives and sees more of the soul than it sees of itself in the mirror.  Yes, the soul given all the mercy and gifts of God should be humbled by God’s thoughtfulness and love, but, just as much should be exaltant that the God of the universe finds it worthy of His Presence and loves it to such a degree that even in its lowly state He chooses to grant the soul every blessing and grace.  This soul should find God’s Presence soothing and uplifting and accept every Gift offered as well as the mission(s) that come with them.

Let the soul exalt that the Lord finds it worthy of not only the Gifts of His Spirit but of the life of His Son.  This soul should grab these treasures gifts with fervor and hold onto them.  Claiming all God offers it with a sense of the love and trust God has in it to share His Mercy and message to all whom the soul encounters.

May almighty God pour His abundant riches upon the soul and may this blessed soul find the grace to claim all these gifts with a heart passionate and thirsty for God’s glory.

“O my Jesus, I am making at this very moment a firm and eternal resolution by virtue of Your grace and mercy, fidelity to the tiniest grace of Yours.“. Divine Mercy in my soul # 716