“When I steeped myself in a prayer of thanksgiving” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 675
Do you thank God for your blessings?
So often we go through our days without recognition of the blessings. In fact, we get used to the blessings God gives they become normal. The risk then is we stop giving thanks to God. After a time, this new normal begins to change us even more. Now, not giving thanks to God for all things, we begin to take the credit for the good things “we do’. We forget God. We forget it is from God from Whom all good things come.
“Every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights” James 1:17
Stopping this trend and trap is simple. Give thanks! Give thanks for every thing – big, small, good or bad. Give thanks.
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Here’s a spiritual and refocusing exercise for you. In fact, two for the price of one today. The first comes from a man I look up to as someone to be like when “I grow up.”
My brother, Walt, talks of keeping a praise journal. my wife and I started this as well. What you do is make a note of the things you are thankful for each day. Any way you want – a list, standouts, one big thing or however many. Just spend time praying over and writing down those things for which you are thankful. The key is to focus on thankfulness.
Second, give thanks! THANK GOD! Give thanks for everything. EVERY thing. Big, small or even tough things. Give thanks to God for He is good! Start with the most evident and strongest things on you heart – kids, spouse, parents, healing, etc. Then, go down the list. As you grow in this prayer method, seek the more minute things – this breath, heartbeat, sunrise and sunset, the rain, the sound of rain on the roof. It doesn’t matter. Thank God for all things. Thank Him even for those tough days. Yes, even the bad times give thanks. Thank God in those days for never taking His hand from you, for giving you an opportunity to grow in faith and trust. Thank God.
Giving thanks to God isn’t just about big things that happens which stand out. Thanks is realizing everything comes from God and recognizing all the ‘normal’, everyday things that you are used to, and giving thanks for those.
I give thanks to You, O Lord for this moment, this breath, that my heart beats now giving me one more chance to thank You. I give you thanks Lord for my wife, kids and grandkids. That You’re trusting me with Your mission to spread Divine Mercy. I thank you for the cross, both the cross of salvation You died upon and the one You give me to carry that You may be glorified. I thank you for the moments writing this post which being thankfulness to mind.
Lose yourself in thanks.
“I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.” Psalm 7:17