A Festival of Praise

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“Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty thunderpeals, crying out, “Hallelujah!
For the Lord our God
the Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and exult
and give him the glory” Revelation 19:6-7

Sunday afternoon on ‘Praise Mountain” in Pittsburgh PA, Praise Nation was treated to a great day of praise and worship by Father Levi and the Praise Nation band. Prayer and adoration was led by Father Freedy. Our host, Father Jason saw the dreams and prayers of this land start to spark to life.

Have you ever attended a Festival of Praise? There are many within the Church as part of the Charismatic Movement in part. But, I believe that this ‘movement’ is spurred by the heart’s desire to praise God. God has written His law upon our hearts and breathed His Spirit into our souls. He has left His fingerprints on the very fabric of who man is. It is within this echo of God’s touch that the heart desires to reach higher.

We are blessed to have Praise Nation PGH to lead the way. Join their YouTube channel for great original songs and their Facebook group for live broadcasts and news of future events. Click the bell to like and follow Praise Nation PGH – click here to go to the Praise Nation YouTube page.

Sunday we had a beautiful sunny and warm October day. The sky was blue and sun nearly as bright and warm as God’s presence and love. As the music rang out over the hundreds in attendance at Praise Mountain, I watched how little girls dance wildly in front of us. They danced with David’s abandon and the joy that only a child could bring from their heart. I stood and watched them until their joy moved me to join them in dance – I can’t dance so I followed their lead.

With arms raised to our great God, I sang out as Father Levi led us in worship to give our whole selves to God. Reminding us in worship the the Father’s “Reckless Love” will never relent. I heard the hillside come alive as we sang to the Father, “You won’t relent until You have it all…my heart is Yours.”

The joy of praising with some of my closest friends only adds to the joy. Looking over the hundreds in attendance, many with arms raised, swaying in praise just filled my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I could feel the pride of the Father as strongly as I felt the heat of that sun.

If you’ve never felt a Festival of Praise, I must tell you that you are missing a great joy. make a point of attending a future Festival of Praise either with Praise Nation PGH or wherever you are.

Join the nation of praise! Add your voice to the choir. Never cease lifting your voice and heart to give God the glory and honor of your whole life.